The Secret of the Wishing Well©
Words to Know:
curious – eager to know. Being too curious can sometimes get you in trouble.
A village wellkeeper and his wife thought they had a clever idea for making extra money for the village. However, everyone in the village had to keep it a secret.
Read Story Aloud:
What character defect caused all the people of the village to keep the secret of the wishing well?
Do you think most of the people knew that what they were doing was wrong?
Why didn't someone in the village warn the other villagers what could happen to them because of their dishonesty?
If the duke had not discovered the dishonesty that was played on the travelers, do you think they would one day find out? Explain.
Enrichment: (Optional)
Discuss various ways that people can be cheated in today’s society. Is there truth in all advertising? Look for articles in magazines or newspapers that appear misleading.
Character Traits: Explain how these charater traits relate in the story.
Discretion; Prudence: