S. Noël Rideau
Noël Rideau is author and co-founder of the Internet Story Club of America ™ -- its featured reading program Fables to Grow On, and author of the acclaimed K-5 character education, school resource, Uncle Noël’s Fun Fables and live presentation Storytelling for Character. He is America’s most prolific fabulist and master storyteller of character-building fables for all ages.
He began telling and writing stories for his classmates in elementary school, and along the way, he patented what may be the first “fable-telling” machine named “The Story Castle,” which is seen in shopping malls, hospitals, schools, and retail stores throughout the United States and in Canada.
As a former television producer, he wrote and hosted over 500 children and adult programs –180 in syndication. In the 1990’s, he turned his talents to the needs in the growing character education initiatives that were being developed by educators in school systems, nationwide. "Character education is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary term that reflects the social and moral principles for effective education." His online Fables to Grow On program addresses a crucial challenge facing our country’s next generation—that is, keeping alive those constitutional principles and universal values the Founding Fathers deemed so essential for the survival of our democracy.
S. Noël Rideau is a lifelong member of the Character Education Partnership in Washington, D.C. In addition to school visits, his program has been presented before the International Reading Association conventions, Chapter One, School Social Workers Association, Head Start, Adult Literacy, and Parent/Teachers organizations. He is a frequent guest on local and national radio and television programs, and a member of the National Storytelling Network.
With the name Noël, you would expect him to have been born on December 25th . . .
He was!